We invite proposals to organize tasks in DCASE 2019 Challenge. The goal for DCASE 2019 Challenge is to have both some continuity of tasks and also bring novel research directions into it. For this, we aim to include about 25% new tasks, which are unrelated to the previous year's ones.
Interested research groups should submit a task proposal for review by the Steering Committee. The proposal should be maximum two pages (pdf format preferred), and include the following information:
- Task name
- Coordinators
- Keywords (e.g. tagging, classification, detection, timestamps, scenes, events, birds, etc)
- Definition (one sentence, e.g. classify a short test audio into one of 40 predefined classes)
- Short description (incl. research question the task is tackling, mention if it is a follow-up of previous years' task)
- Dataset description: development, evaluation (short description, how much data is already available and prepared, how long would it take to prepare the rest, mention if you allow external data/transfer learning or not)
- Evaluation method / metric
- Baseline system (2 sentences, planned method if you do not have one from previous challenge)
- Contact person (for main communication, website)
The proposal should be sent to DCASE Challenge coordinators annamaria.mesaros@tut.fi and romain.serizel@loria.fr by 21st of December 2018. The Steering Committee will review the proposal and provide feedback by mid-January 2019.
Important dates
tentative dates, may change
21 Dec 2018 | Submission of task proposals |
18 Jan 2019 | Notification of acceptance |
4 March 2019 | Challenge opening |
3 June 2019 | Evaluation set release |
17 June 2019 | Challenge submission deadline |