Thank you for your submissions!

, Toni Heittola

Thank you all for submitting to DCASE Challenge!

We have received many submissions, as you can see from following table:

Participants Submitted systems
Task 1 35 49
Task 2 10 10
Task 3 13 17
Task 4 8 9

We have sent confirmations to at least the submitting author. If you have sent the submission email and have not received a confirmation, please contact us.

The submissions will be evaluated during July, and participants will be informed of their system performance no later than 1st of August. Afterwards, participants can prepare a "camera ready" version of the technical report, and include in challenge results. Updating of the technical reports should be done before 15th of August.

Publication of the challenge results will be during August. At the same time, the submitted technical reports for each system will be published in this website, together with the system outputs.