Instructions for Authors

Paper submission

The workshop paper submission and review process is being conducted in following manner:

  • Peer-review process
  • Paper format is 4+1 pages
  • Accepted papers to be presented in oral and poster sessions
  • Accepted papers will be published on-line after the workshop on the DCASE2016 website


Papers are in format of 4+1 pages. Papers are maximum 5 pages, including all text, figures, and references, with the 5th page containing only references.

The provided template has to be used (either Latex or Word template below).

Papers must be submitted by the deadline date.

Accepted papers must be presented at the workshop.

Paper templates

Latex template (276 KB)
version 1.1 (.zip)
Word template (72 KB)
version 1.0 (.doc)


The on-line submission system can be found here.

Deadlines and Important Dates

Oral presentation

Each presentation is allocated 18 minutes, including 3 minutes time for questions.

To achieve appropriate timing, organize your slides around the points you intend to make, using no more than one slide per minute. A reasonable number of slides is 12-14.

Please come to the room prior to the session to transfer your presentation from USB stick to the presentation computer.

Poster presentation

Please prepare a poster of maximum A0 size (841 mm x 1189 mm, 33.1 in x 46.8 in) in portrait orientation.

Plan the content of your poster such that it conveys the key ideas - it should not include all the details; you can describe them in person to people. Please prepare a short presentation of your work (5-10 min) that you can periodically give throughout the poster session to people that are interested.

You are strongly encouraged to put up your poster during the morning coffee break, even though the poster session takes place in the afternoon.