
Presentation guideline


Due to the pandemic of COVID-19, the DCASE2020 Workshop will be a fully virtual conference, which calls for some new organizational arrangements. For each paper presentation, we request the following two videos.

  • A 1.5-minute highlight video with voiceover for a title page (with paper title, authors' names, and mention of DCASE2020 Workshop) and then an overview slide

    • File format: mp4
    • File size: less than 50MB
    • Aspect ratio: 16:9 preferred
    • Minimum height: 480 pixels
    • File name: <PaperID>_highlight_<FirstAuthorName>_<papertitle>.mp4
    • Showing the presenter's face in a small window


  • A 15-minute presentation video

    • File format: mp4
    • File size: less than 100MB
    • Aspect ratio: 16:9 preferred
    • Minimum height: 480 pixels
    • File name: <PaperID>_paper_<FirstAuthorName>_<papertitle>.mp4
    • Showing the presenter's face in a small window


Upload these videos via CMT system as ''Camera Ready'' of your submitted paper. The deadline for submission of two videos is 2 October 2020.

Note the deadline for ''camera-ready paper'' submission has been already passed and we have stored all the information. Therefore, modification of any information other than the video upload will not affect the submissions.

Please note that compliance with the video specifications above will be checked and non-compliant videos will not be accepted. If a paper's videos are not received by the deadline, it will be considered as ''no-show.''

If you have any other questions or any issues with uploading your presentation, please contact DCASE2020 workshop organizers.


Oral session


An oral presentation is of the format 15+5 minutes, consisting of the presentation using submitted video (15 minutes) and live Q&A (5 minutes). The presentation video will be cast on the virtual platform by the organizers and live Q&A will be followed. At least one of the authors must attend the live Q&A. In case none of the authors attend the live Q&A, it shall be considered as no-show.

Note that all scheduled times and dates for DCASE2020 workshop live sessions are listed in JST (GMT+9).


Poster session


A poster presentation is of the format of the on-demand video presentation and Q&A forum. This Q&A forum will consist of a public board associated with each paper where attendees may post questions. Questions posted during the workshop should be answered by the end of the workshop. The organizing committee will monitor the activity of this Q&A forum, and if the authors do not answer the questions for attendees, it may be considered as no-show.

The short highlight video will also be cast on the virtual platform by the organizers in poster highlight session.