Poster Session I

Poster Session I


1. Robust non-negative block sparse coding for acoustic novelty detection
Ritwik Giri, Arvindh Krishnaswamy, Karim Helwani

2. Language modelling for sound event detection with teacher forcing and scheduled sampling
Konstantinos Drossos, Shayan Gharib, Paul Magron, Tuomas Virtanen

3. SpecAugment for sound event detection in domestic environments using ensemble of convolutional recurrent neural networks
Wootaek Lim

4. Improvement of DOA estimation by using quaternion output in sound event localization and detection
Yui Sudo, Katsutoshi Itoyama, Kenji Nishida, Kazuhiro Nakadai

5. GCC-PHAT Cross-Correlation audio features for simultaneous sound event localization and detection (SELD) on multiple rooms
Hector Cordourier, Paulo Lopez Meyer, Jonathan Huang, Juan Del Hoyo Ontiveros, Hong Lu

6. The impact of missing labels and overlapping sound events on multi-label multi-instance learning for sound event classification
Maarten Meire, Peter Karsmakers, Lode Vuegen

7. MIMII dataset: Sound dataset for malfunctioning industrial machine investigation and inspection
Harsh Purohit, Ryo Tanabe, Takeshi Ichige, Takashi Endo, Yuki Nikaido, Kaori Suefusa, Yohei Kawaguchi

8. Sound source localisation in Ambisonic audio using peak clustering
Marc C. Green, Damian Murphy

9. Sound event localization and detection using CRNN architecture with mixup for model generalization
Pranay Pratik, Wen Jie Jee, Srikanth Nagisetty, Rohith Mars, Chongsoon Lim

10. Multiple neural networks with ensemble method for audio tagging with noisy labels and minimal supervision
Kexin He, Yuhan Shen, Wei-Qiang Zhang

11. Deep multi-view features from raw audio for acoustic scene classification
Arshdeep Singh, Padmanabhan Rajan, Arnav Bhavsar

12. Hierarchical detection of sound events and their localization using convolutional neural networks with adaptive thresholds
Sotirios Panagiotis Chytas, Gerasimos Potamianos

13. Polyphonic sound event detection and localization using a two-stage strategy
Yin Cao, Qiuqiang Kong, Turab Iqbal, Fengyan An, Wenwu Wang, Mark D. Plumbley

14. Acoustic scene classification using deep learning-based ensemble averaging
Jonathan Huang, Hong Lu, Paulo Lopez Meyer, Hector Cordourier, Juan Del Hoyo Ontiveros

15. Classifying non-speech vocals: Deep vs signal processing representations
Fatemeh Pishdadian, Prem Seetharaman, Bongjun Kim, Bryan Pardo

16. Long-distance detection of bioacoustic events with per-channel energy normalization
Vincent Lostanlen, Kaitlin Palmer, Elly Knight, Christopher Clark, Holger Klinck, Andrew Farnsworth, Tina Wong, Jason Cramer, Juan P Bello

17. Urban noise monitoring in the Stadtlärm Project - A field report
Jakob Abeßer, Marco Götze, Tobias Clauß, Dominik Zapf, Christian Kühn, Hanna Lukashevich, Stephanie Kühnlenz, Stylianos I. Mimilakis

18. Audio tagging using linear noise modelling layer
Shubhr Singh, Arjun Pankajakshan, Emmanouil Benetos

19. Acoustic scene classification based on a large-margin factorized CNN
Janghoon Cho, Sungrack Yun, Hyoungwoo Park, Jungyun Eum, Kyuwoong Hwang

Challenge Task Reports

20. Acoustic scene classification in DCASE 2019 challenge: Closed and open set classification and data mismatch setups
Annamaria Mesaros, Toni Heittola, Tuomas Virtanen

21. Audio tagging with noisy labels and minimal supervision
Eduardo Fonseca, Manoj Plakal, Frederic Font, Dan Ellis, Xavier Serra

22. A multi-room reverberant dataset for sound event localization and detection
Sharath Adavanne, Archontis Politis, Tuomas Virtanen

23. Sound event detection in domestic environments with weakly labeled data and soundscape synthesis
Nicolas Turpault, Romain Serizel, Justin Salamon, Ankit Parag Shah

24. SONYC Urban Sound Tagging (SONYC-UST): A multilabel dataset from an urban acoustic sensor network
Mark Cartwright, Ana Elisa Mendez Mendez, Jason Cramer, Vincent Lostanlen, Graham Dove, Ho-Hsiang Wu, Justin Salamon, Oded Nov, Juan P Bello