Poster Session II
1. Onsets, activity, and events: A multi-task approach for polyphonic sound event modelling
2. Shuffling and mixing data augmentation for environmental sound classification
3. Sound event detection and direction of arrival estimation using residual net and recurrent neural networks
4. RU Multichannel Domestic Acoustic Scenes 2019: A multichannel dataset recorded by distributed microphones with various properties
5. Hodgepodge: Sound event detection based on ensemble of semi-supervised learning methods
6. Non-negative matrix factorization-convolutional neural network (NMF-CNN) for sound event detection
7. Open-set evolving acoustic scene classification system
8. MAVD: a dataset for sound event detection in urban environments
9. Receptive-field-regularized cnn variants for acoustic scene classification
10. DCASE 2019 task 2: Multitask learning, semi-supervised learning and model ensemble with noisy data for audio tagging
11. A hybrid parametric-deep learning approach for sound event localization and detection
12. OtoMechanic: Auditory automobile diagnostics via query-by-example
13. Hierarchical sound event classification
14. TrellisNet-based architecture for sound event localization and detection with reassembly learning
15. Weakly labeled sound event detection using tri-training and adversarial learning
16. Acoustic scene classification from binaural signals using convolutional neural networks
Challenge Task Reports |
17. Acoustic scene classification in DCASE 2019 challenge: Closed and open set classification and data mismatch setups
18. Audio tagging with noisy labels and minimal supervision
19. A multi-room reverberant dataset for sound event localization and detection
20. Sound event detection in domestic environments with weakly labeled data and soundscape synthesis
21. SONYC Urban Sound Tagging (SONYC-UST): A multilabel dataset from an urban acoustic sensor network