
Friday 25th October

9:00 Registration &
9:20 Welcome

Juan Pablo Bello
New York University

9:30 Keynote

Catherine Guastavino

Making sense of the sounds around us: Auditory scene analysis in everyday listening

McGill University, School of Information Studies

Abstract & bio

10:20 Challenge

Reports on the 5 tasks of the DCASE 2019 challenge

10:50 Coffee/Tea
11:20 Oral session I

Acoustic Scene and Robust Classification


Open-set acoustic scene classification with deep convolutional autoencoders
Kevin Wilkinghoff, Frank Kurth


Distilling the knowledge of specialist deep neural networks in acoustic scene classification
Jee-weon Jung, HeeSoo Heo, Hye-jin Shim, Ha-Jin Yu


Exploiting parallel audio recordings to enforce device invariance in CNN-based acoustic scene classification
Paul Primus, Hamid Eghbal-zadeh, David Eitelsebner, Khaled Koutini, Andreas Arzt, Gerhard Widmer


Robustness of adversarial attacks in sound event classification
Vinod Subramanian, Emmanouil Benetos, Mark B. Sandler

12:40 Lunch
13:40 Poster session I

List of posters

15:10 Coffee/Tea
15:40 Oral session II

Audio Tagging and Weak Supervision


Sound event classification and detection with weakly labeled data
Sharath Adavanne, Haytham M Fayek, Vladimir Tourbabin


Urban sound tagging using convolutional neural networks
Sainath Adapa


Convolutional recurrent neural network and data augmentation for audio tagging with noisy labels and minimal supervision
Janek Ebbers, Reinhold Häb-Umbach


Guided learning convolution system for DCASE 2019 task 4
Liwei Lin, Xiangdong Wang, Hong Liu, Yueliang Qian

17:00 Challenge awards
17:15 Paper awards
17:20 DCASE 2020 announcements
17:25 End of sessions

17:40 - 19:40   Welcome Reception

Saturday 26th October

9:00 Arrival &
9:20 Keynote

Jessie Barry

Deep learning meets public tools to inspire the protection of nature

Cornell University, The Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Abstract & bio

10:10 Oral session III

Audio Captioning


Crowdsourcing a dataset of audio captions
Samuel Lipping, Konstantinos Drossos, Tuomas Virtanen


Neural audio captioning based on conditional sequence-to-sequence model
Shota Ikawa, Kunio Kashino

10:50 Coffee/Tea
11:20 Oral session IV

Sound Event Detection and Localization


Sound source detection, localization and classification using consecutive ensemble of CRNN models
Sławomir Kapka, Mateusz Lewandowski


Localization, detection and tracking of multiple moving sound sources with a convolutional recurrent neural network
Sharath Adavanne, Archontis Politis, Tuomas Virtanen


Sound event localization and detection using CRNN on pairs of microphones
Francois Grondin, Iwona Sobieraj, Mark D. Plumbley, James Glass


First order ambisonics domain spatial augmentation for DNN-based direction of arrival estimation
Luca Mazzon, Yuma Koizumi, Masahiro Yasuda, Noboru Harada

12:40 Lunch
13:40 Poster session II

List of posters

15:10 Coffee/Tea
15:40 Town hall discussion
16:40 Closing remarks
17:00 End of workshop