This year we will offer travel grants. The amount of the travel grants is up to 500€ and the number of grants should be confirmed later on. The target of the grants is to enforce diversity and motivate participants to select low carbon alternatives for their travel to the conference.
Applicants should send :
- a letter motivating their application (1 page maximum) ;
- a document containing their name, affiliation, research interest and a statement that they are not getting reimbursed elsewhere for the costs covered by the grant.
Please send your applications to before October 1st., 2022
The evaluation criteria include the following:
- The applicants replace flights by a lower footprint alternative (e.g. train) for a significant portion of their trip to the conference.
- The applicants come from a low resource country.
- The applicants come from an under-represented country or community.
- The applicants are students and authors of a paper published within the workshop.
The above criteria will serve as a basis to rank the applications, if needed. We encourage anyone to apply, even if all these criteria are not met.
The grant application and selection process will be organized as follows:
- 1st October, 2022: application submission
- 8th October, 2022: decision notification